Student life exists out of the pure pleasure of freedom.  Doing what you choose, go where you like and answer to who… your roommate;)  These are but the pure pleasures of student life, but as with all of life there will always be some small form of responsibility.  That will be to manage your budget, your job and also now your studies.
The time to set real time aside for your studies is upon you.  The study groups I hope have been working as I know these 5 memory association techniques for students will get you your grade.

1.The Link Method

The link method is one of the oldest methods of creating associations between the item to remember and an image.  The process works well in combination of keeping to a story (as set of events following a chronological order)

The biggest advantage is that the link system is simple and easy to put to memory.  This system is however not very specific and items can get lost in memory.  It helps so use a real life memory, your mind already remembers that on it’s own.

2. The Loci Method

The Loci method works on the principle that you will best remember with the association of familiar locations, such as your parental home or dorm room.  The idea is to associate your list with this super familiar location. Make it a happy location not easily forgotten, even in the finest of details.

Close your eye and see your your desk in front of you.  Now associated your list with the items on your desk.  Consider where the rulers may be, the yellow highlighter, the green highlighter, and so forth.  By linking your list with a location  you remember clearly there are less changes of items simple being forgotten, especially with strong memorial locations.

Again this associations memorizing technique works even better if you can incorporate it with a chronological story, allowing for more complex study memorizing techniques.  Make the location something you will never forget, something happy and consider even using colour, smell, taste, and texture in your memorizing technique.

3. The Peg System

The peg system is one of the old favorites when you need to remember items on a chronological order, one after another. The idea would be to first create you own pegging framework, meaning link a number or letter of the alphabet to a word.

The Peg Framework:

  • A – Apple
  • B – Bee
  • C – Cat
  • D – Dog
  • E – Elephant

The shopping list:

  • Pineapple
  • Milk
  • Bread
  • Bananas
  • Beans

Literally the first things that popped into my head thinking about the letters of the alphabet.

This list will be used as the framework for the peg system.  The second part is to link the remembered item to this framework.  Let’s use something as generic as a shopping list…

The Peg System in working:

  • Pineapple  = A: Apple – Imagine an apple with a pineapple grown
  • Milk = B: Bee -Imagine a bee depositing white honey (milk) instead of yellow honey
  • Bread = C: Cat – Imagine a cat pillow in the shape of a bread slice
  • Bananas = D: Dog – Imagine a dog playing tug and war with a banana peel
  • Beans = E: Elephant – Imagine an elephant blowing beans out it’s trunk
The idea is so associate the shopping list with an image/scene/story in the order of your framework.  The framework can be anything.  The biggest disadvantage of the Peg system is that it’s said to have to be too specific,  I however used this system in college where I had a different peg framework for every subject.  This way I ensured I kept my pegs in order;)

4. The Image – Name Technique

This association technique works well when you have to remember the names of specific individuals.  It works on the principle to associate their name with a physical aspects of the individual.  You will obviously have to Google the person in question for a physical.


Let’s say the person to remember is George Marx.  Marx sounds similiar to mark, as in marks the spot…  George Marx also happens to have a mole, that we now will associate with the “mark/Marx the spot”

5. The Journey Method

The Journey Method combines the Link method and the Peg System.  It makes use of a familiar route you travel often.  Consider the route you travel everyday to class.. The journey methods will take landmarks and items like stop streets, circles and robot to associate your remember items.  The order in which the journey takes will automatically give a chronological advantage to this system

The biggest advantage of the Journey method is that the list can be as long and detailed as you need it to be.  It can be used for short term and long term memory.  Choose a specific route for a specific task, short term or long term.

Play around with your memorizing techniques, you will be surprised what you find works for you.  A personal favourite of mine would be to hear and read the information at the same time.  Somehow the combination of sound and sight ensured memorization.

Remember the 3 memory principles:

  • Association: Memory and creativity is based in association
  • Location: Specific locations simple seems easier for the brain to recall
  • Imagination:  Our minds enjoy remembering exaggerated, over the top images, scenes and stories.  Use this to your advantage, make your memory grand in gesture;)
Written by Lizl Brink, Lizl is copywriter and designer based in Johannesburg, she is also a frequent contributor to the Mafadi blog, and as an Urban investor and rejuvenation shares a passion for urban regeneration, go check out her personal portfolio here

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