We are more than pleased to enter Level 2 of the National lockdown. The president of the republic, Cyril Ramaphosa made this long awaited announcement on 15 August 2020. This announcement means that some of the activities will resume as per usual as well as most of the fellow citizens of the country will be able to return back to their places of employment.  This will improvement the lives of South Africans as well as our economy.

As Mafadi Property Management, We will continue to adhere to the COVID-19 regulations to ensure that our employees and tenants are safe at all times.

We will continue to follow strictly the below regulations to ensure the highest level of safety:

  • All of our application forms, leases and key releases are filled out and signed online (Digital)
  • Masks are worn at all times
  • We have placed sanitization stations in all of our buildings and offices
  • We have clear floor stickers to ensure social distancing
  • All of our employees and tenants are screened temperatures before entering a building or the office
  • The cleaning and hygiene procedures implemented during the lockdown are still highly maintained throughout all of our buildings

Together, We will overcome this pandemic!

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